Buffalo & Erie County Public Library Board of Trustees Executive Committee Meeting (Remote) 6/11/2020 Transcript as recorded through Zoom Committee Members present via conference call: Kathleen Berens Bucki, Chair Kimberly Johnson, Vice Chair Sheldon M. Berlow Katie Burd Elaine M. Panty Lucy Candelario Ex-Officio member: Frank Housh WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.949 --> 00:00:07.649 K Berens Bucki: Right, I apologize for the delay, everybody. Um, so I'll call the meeting to order. And I'm 2 00:00:09.630 --> 00:00:12.150 K Berens Bucki: Calling the role. Let's see. 3 00:00:13.889 --> 00:00:14.070 K Berens Bucki: Is 4 00:00:15.389 --> 00:00:19.470 K Berens Bucki: Maria here, or should I do it or no Maria is not on the call. If you 5 00:00:19.470 --> 00:00:21.420 Zoom Administration: Want to do it. That'd be great. 6 00:00:22.170 --> 00:00:23.490 K Berens Bucki: I can do it. I see. 7 00:00:25.440 --> 00:00:30.630 K Berens Bucki: Okay, so I'm Kathleen barons buck. I am here. Kimberly Johnson. 8 00:00:31.140 --> 00:00:31.620 I'm here. 9 00:00:33.240 --> 00:00:34.170 K Berens Bucki: Sheldon Barolo. 10 00:00:36.600 --> 00:00:38.310 K Berens Bucki: Katie bird here. 11 00:00:39.780 --> 00:00:41.880 K Berens Bucki: Elaine panty here. 12 00:00:43.080 --> 00:00:43.410 K Berens Bucki: Frank 13 00:00:47.400 --> 00:00:54.720 Zoom Administration: Frank, didn't he was going to call in, but we haven't seen him on having done so at this point. 14 00:00:55.530 --> 00:00:58.200 K Berens Bucki: Okay, but we have a quorum. Correct. 15 00:00:58.890 --> 00:01:00.570 K Berens Bucki: You do have a quorum of your committee. 16 00:01:02.010 --> 00:01:03.810 K Berens Bucki: Alright so let me just 17 00:01:05.310 --> 00:01:07.080 K Berens Bucki: Start with. Let's see. 18 00:01:12.540 --> 00:01:13.680 K Berens Bucki: The, you know, 19 00:01:13.770 --> 00:01:24.120 K Berens Bucki: Executive order has been extended so that we can continue doing remote meeting like this through July 6 2020 it's been extended for now. So 20 00:01:26.610 --> 00:01:39.570 K Berens Bucki: And the public was provided dial and instructions through zoom with the ability to listen and comment please be aware that a complete verbatim transcription of today's remote meetings through zoom conference call will be kept on file by the BBC PL 21 00:01:40.560 --> 00:01:45.840 K Berens Bucki: And then all trustees are asked to state your full name before speaking and making motions for the record. 22 00:01:46.440 --> 00:01:51.510 K Berens Bucki: anyone from the public who is on this call will have the opportunity to speak at the end of the meeting. 23 00:01:51.930 --> 00:02:02.310 K Berens Bucki: At that time, you will need to identify yourself state and spell your name for the record and limited to three minutes per person to speak. Please note the committee will not comment at that time. 24 00:02:04.110 --> 00:02:05.880 K Berens Bucki: So let's see. 25 00:02:07.980 --> 00:02:13.320 K Berens Bucki: I'm just looking at the agenda for next week. 26 00:02:15.030 --> 00:02:16.890 K Berens Bucki: I mean, I think. 27 00:02:19.050 --> 00:02:21.930 K Berens Bucki: We want to just go through what's there for now. 28 00:02:23.100 --> 00:02:25.080 Zoom Administration: I think that that's great. Janine. Did you 29 00:02:25.770 --> 00:02:27.210 Zoom Administration: Frank House come on line. 30 00:02:27.420 --> 00:02:27.780 I think 31 00:02:30.690 --> 00:02:31.050 Kimberly Johnson: Welcome 32 00:02:35.760 --> 00:02:37.890 K Berens Bucki: So, um, let's see. 33 00:02:40.080 --> 00:02:41.610 K Berens Bucki: Have a report about this meeting. 34 00:02:43.470 --> 00:02:58.470 K Berens Bucki: Next week and then so but in finance. We have a couple of resolutions on the agenda so we, is there an explanation of those from summer Sir Ken 35 00:02:58.890 --> 00:03:00.420 S Berlow: Yes, let's can 36 00:03:01.350 --> 00:03:04.710 Kenneth Stone: We have three items on the agenda for next week, the 37 00:03:04.710 --> 00:03:19.500 Kenneth Stone: First is resolution 2020 def 16 that's executing the 2020 contracting library contracts. We hold off to mid year to go chance for the county and the state finalize their budgets. 38 00:03:20.070 --> 00:03:32.370 Kenneth Stone: And given the circumstances, I would note that there is a provision in the contract. It's in Section 24th. That does allow us to adjust if there were to be mid your cuts. 39 00:03:33.150 --> 00:03:42.270 Kenneth Stone: So there's really no reason not to go ahead and with the contracts, at this point in time and your other resolution only gives until the end of July, so 40 00:03:43.350 --> 00:03:56.190 Kenneth Stone: We recommend to adopted with the budget, as it is, which is 2.6% reduction in New York State aid, which is part of the inactive budget. So we know that's happening. 41 00:03:56.670 --> 00:04:10.110 Kenneth Stone: And that at this point I'm just recommending that fall to fund battles, because it's not much money. And if we get bigger cuts, we'll have to address those later and section 24th gives us a mechanism to do that. 42 00:04:11.670 --> 00:04:14.610 K Berens Bucki: Okay. Anybody have any questions. 43 00:04:16.260 --> 00:04:17.220 Kimberly Johnson: Now, so 44 00:04:18.300 --> 00:04:20.790 E Panty: So that's what goes through and that is the 45 00:04:21.540 --> 00:04:31.110 E Panty: final budget from the state customer. And we actually are caught so much we have to do through this again with the adjust to the new adjustments. Well, actually, the final state. 46 00:04:31.110 --> 00:04:43.440 Kenneth Stone: Budgets already come through, but the state budget this year because they knew was going to do a number on revenues contained supervision, where they can reopen the budget mid year 47 00:04:44.100 --> 00:04:57.480 Kenneth Stone: That first round was supposed to have happened by May 15 and the state budget office is not issued any guidance or instructions, other than we're looking at 20% cut and that's the county 48 00:04:58.110 --> 00:05:14.250 Kenneth Stone: Budget Office and I agree, BELIEVE THAT'S THE GOVERNOR IS HOLDING BACK AND BECAUSE THEY DO think that there's a reasonable prospect of some form federal aid the latest target is by the summer recess, which for them. It's August 20 49 00:05:17.490 --> 00:05:24.390 E Panty: So this would hold that title. So this would hold until then, and watch august 20 comes along, all bets are off next could change. 50 00:05:24.960 --> 00:05:25.650 E Panty: No, well, 51 00:05:25.710 --> 00:05:27.060 Kenneth Stone: This, this would hold 52 00:05:27.150 --> 00:05:32.430 Kenneth Stone: Until their son action by the State of New York to implement mid year budget cuts. 53 00:05:33.600 --> 00:05:34.620 Kenneth Stone: And we don't know that. 54 00:05:35.100 --> 00:05:36.660 Kenneth Stone: That that 55 00:05:36.840 --> 00:05:45.750 Kenneth Stone: it'll depend on how much the federal eight is what their projections are for revenue, at the time, and where that leaves them so 56 00:05:46.200 --> 00:06:05.130 Kenneth Stone: You know, if there's federal aid that comes in and it's sufficient the cuts could be zero. We could just be dealing with the 2.6% and the inactive budget if if they're the there's no money coming through. We would at least at this point be looking at 20% cut. So, and that's about $650,000 57 00:06:06.570 --> 00:06:10.170 Kenneth Stone: So you're probably looking at something between 58 00:06:11.820 --> 00:06:14.430 Kenneth Stone: 70,600 and 59 00:06:15.270 --> 00:06:20.490 E Panty: $50,000. Wow. 60 00:06:22.800 --> 00:06:27.480 Kenneth Stone: These are unique times I think it will be something under that because I really do. 61 00:06:27.480 --> 00:06:28.650 Kenneth Stone: Believe the feds will 62 00:06:28.830 --> 00:06:31.770 Kenneth Stone: Come through with something, although it could be painful. 63 00:06:33.090 --> 00:06:33.960 Kenneth Stone: And frustrating. 64 00:06:34.440 --> 00:06:36.240 Zoom Administration: And unknown timing wise. 65 00:06:36.300 --> 00:06:38.460 Kenneth Stone: True, I think. Yeah. Yeah. 66 00:06:38.760 --> 00:06:47.310 Kenneth Stone: When they come up with deadlines like this. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there's summer recess is supposed to be august 20 that this this puppy south on August 19 67 00:06:47.790 --> 00:06:48.180 Right. 68 00:06:49.770 --> 00:06:51.330 Kenneth Stone: Or the 69 00:06:51.360 --> 00:06:52.860 Kenneth Stone: Early morning on the 20th 70 00:06:52.860 --> 00:06:53.250 Thursday. 71 00:06:54.870 --> 00:06:58.740 Kenneth Stone: They've done 2am stuff, many times before. In these situations, 72 00:07:02.190 --> 00:07:02.970 Kenneth Stone: So I would recommend 73 00:07:03.360 --> 00:07:04.290 Kenneth Stone: That's that's that one. 74 00:07:05.130 --> 00:07:18.840 Kenneth Stone: If you're ready to move on. The, the next one is resolution 20 2017 and that would allow us to implement a month, month extension on our voice telecommunications contract. 75 00:07:20.010 --> 00:07:38.010 Kenneth Stone: We have the option we built this out a number of years ago when it was part of the era program. It's no longer qualifies free rate, but the contracts. Still, there is still valid. The contract has multi multiple three year extensions. The last one would take us from July. 76 00:07:38.010 --> 00:07:40.140 Kenneth Stone: 1 through June of 77 00:07:40.170 --> 00:07:48.750 Kenneth Stone: 2023 if we exercised it however Janine, and her staff are working feverishly on 78 00:07:50.310 --> 00:07:56.190 Kenneth Stone: Converting the Central Library telephone system to something called voice over Internet Protocol voice. 79 00:07:56.970 --> 00:08:14.130 Kenneth Stone: Because the county is facing out there, switch here and as that goes forward, it may be to our advantage to that sometime in the future, extend those to the contracting libraries and our buffalo branches so we don't want to lock ourselves into a three year agreement. 80 00:08:15.480 --> 00:08:24.540 Kenneth Stone: The current contract has a provision to go month to month at current rates. So this would recommend that we exercise that provision go month to month 81 00:08:25.170 --> 00:08:35.310 Kenneth Stone: For a time curry, not to exceed three years, which is what you have, if you were to accept the contract extension. So I think it'll be sometime sooner than that. 82 00:08:35.790 --> 00:08:46.290 Kenneth Stone: But in any event, by June 2023 would have to go out and do another rip and replace replace the phone service if it weren't already converted to the point 83 00:08:47.310 --> 00:08:48.090 Kenneth Stone: That's what that will do 84 00:08:49.530 --> 00:08:50.760 Kenneth Stone: Any questions on that one. 85 00:08:53.190 --> 00:08:54.390 Kenneth Stone: Okay. And the last one. 86 00:08:55.500 --> 00:08:56.100 Kenneth Stone: Okay, thank you. 87 00:08:56.520 --> 00:09:05.880 Kenneth Stone: And the last one is a monthly financial statement, it's updated for the latest information we have from the county, which includes the 88 00:09:07.230 --> 00:09:18.690 Kenneth Stone: county executives remediation plan I attended the zoom meeting of the budget and manage management Finance Committee of the legislature, where they discuss that plan. 89 00:09:19.740 --> 00:09:20.220 Kenneth Stone: And 90 00:09:21.240 --> 00:09:38.580 Kenneth Stone: Basically they indicated a couple of things they they're looking at a deficit of about 130 $7 million right now because the most recent sales tax receipts were were terrible, but not dismal, if that makes any sense. 91 00:09:39.210 --> 00:09:40.830 K Berens Bucki: So they weren't as 92 00:09:40.920 --> 00:09:51.510 Kenneth Stone: Awful as awful could be so they back off the rest of if you may remember, a month ago they were looking as high as over $200 million in in a deficit in 2020 93 00:09:52.500 --> 00:09:57.660 Kenneth Stone: But the other side of it is they've been tracking multiple economic forecasts and 94 00:09:58.260 --> 00:10:06.000 Kenneth Stone: Their plan assumes that the the recovery that we may have is going to take a long time to get to back back to where we were. 95 00:10:06.720 --> 00:10:18.660 Kenneth Stone: And they in the committee meeting basically said if things were to go as they are now they would be looking at about $100 million gap and 2021 and that's what affects us 96 00:10:19.770 --> 00:10:25.500 Kenneth Stone: They can't reduce the library property taxes this year because of both state long library Protection Act. 97 00:10:26.910 --> 00:10:36.810 Kenneth Stone: But they set how much the levy is in any given year during the budget process and if their sales tax revenues downs such the point 98 00:10:37.260 --> 00:10:43.590 Kenneth Stone: Where they don't have enough money to cover their mandate services. They're going to have to get discretionary 99 00:10:44.340 --> 00:10:51.270 Kenneth Stone: And they did make a point that for this year, for example, their forecasts 130 $7 million hole. 100 00:10:52.110 --> 00:10:59.040 Kenneth Stone: The entire budget for discretionary activities which includes the library, the shares road patrols. 101 00:10:59.940 --> 00:11:12.000 Kenneth Stone: And all the county general services not mandated stuff is 140 $7 million. So our slice 947 million is pretty good chunk and if they have to cut 102 00:11:12.690 --> 00:11:29.040 Kenneth Stone: That's why we would be impacted the same thing in 2021 but those plants all assume zero federal aid and 20% state cut so I really think that that plan and $100 million next year's is probably worse. Worst case scenario. 103 00:11:30.150 --> 00:11:35.820 Kenneth Stone: And the question is, how much really comes down to how much federal aid comes forward. 104 00:11:36.630 --> 00:11:48.690 Kenneth Stone: And how that pencil software County and then how strongly the rebound is because those are the two things. The other thing they talked about in committee and you may have read I don't recall the Buffalo News spent much time on it. 105 00:11:49.830 --> 00:12:02.370 Kenneth Stone: But there is the possibility to issue deficit financing bonds. The way the laws presently structured. I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense, other than for cash flow which they've already done. 106 00:12:03.930 --> 00:12:22.140 Kenneth Stone: Because they have to pay it back so quickly that it wouldn't solve a problem, but there's legislation that's being considered a New York State that might allow them to do a deficit banja you pay off over five years. So that could be an option. It's not an option. Very many people like 107 00:12:23.490 --> 00:12:33.660 Kenneth Stone: So we'll see how it all plays out. You know, I'm hopeful that some federal aid will will end up resulting in the question will be, is how much what's the, the amount we have to make up 108 00:12:35.790 --> 00:12:36.600 Kenneth Stone: So that, that's it. 109 00:12:38.310 --> 00:12:38.670 E Panty: Okay. 110 00:12:39.870 --> 00:12:40.890 Zoom Administration: I want to just add to that. 111 00:12:40.890 --> 00:12:55.710 Zoom Administration: Kind of, if I, if I may, I think what is equally important for all of you to know is that we have been keeping theme contract libraries very much abreast of the situation. So is that they are also 112 00:12:56.730 --> 00:13:08.610 Zoom Administration: Being prepared for what could come down the pike, we're hoping is certainly not anywhere near of the worst case scenario, but we want them to be aware, we have also 113 00:13:09.090 --> 00:13:15.420 Zoom Administration: made it very clear to them the components that have been put into place, such as control tiring. 114 00:13:15.870 --> 00:13:24.090 Zoom Administration: Reduced our time hours and such. And there have been a lot of questions, um, you know, from those statements and from our conversations with them. 115 00:13:24.450 --> 00:13:39.510 Zoom Administration: I think keeping me communication lines open is is extremely important. Thank you pan for that and Janine and all of our team members are really working to everyone aware not to be alarmist, but to have open lines of communication. 116 00:13:40.560 --> 00:13:53.310 Kenneth Stone: Yeah, like I said, all the managers and directors, a laundry list of articles. I've been researching on so they could read more about if they wanted to. And there is probably glory, by this point in time, but some of them were really interesting 117 00:13:54.480 --> 00:14:06.090 Kenneth Stone: The, the April report that you're going to get only has the beginnings of the coven stuff. But, for example, the electric bill was 47% less than it was. Same time for the same month last year. 118 00:14:07.200 --> 00:14:18.150 Kenneth Stone: laboring and I kind of see us bigger change because of the extension of part time folks through pay period nine that basically took you through mostly the end of April. 119 00:14:18.570 --> 00:14:32.790 Kenneth Stone: I've got preliminary stuff for May and for the month of May our unemployment insurance expenses over $70,000 but we had over 300 $360,000 in savings on the part timeline. 120 00:14:34.620 --> 00:14:39.720 Kenneth Stone: From that month because most of those folks were not didn't have any hours we weren't 121 00:14:41.280 --> 00:14:44.880 Kenneth Stone: So that'll that'll keep replaying as we move forward. 122 00:14:48.690 --> 00:14:49.050 Zoom Administration: Okay. 123 00:14:49.410 --> 00:14:50.730 K Berens Bucki: Thank you. Thank you. 124 00:14:53.070 --> 00:14:58.200 E Panty: Mary Jane. Are they are they aware of the fact that when we get caught. Everybody gets caught, they do. 125 00:14:58.950 --> 00:15:07.440 E Panty: They are absolutely aware of that circumstance that is something that can I myself have made very clear to them. 126 00:15:07.770 --> 00:15:18.090 Zoom Administration: reminding them that basically we are all in this together. And so it will be across the board. Regardless, regardless, you know, there will be some fluctuation of course, but we have 127 00:15:19.170 --> 00:15:37.560 Zoom Administration: Contingency plans that we have been looking at looking at, you know, sort of how we handle things in the past but again there are so many balls in the air right now that we don't have any definitive answers at this point, but we are certainly doing everything we can to prepare them right 128 00:15:38.580 --> 00:15:50.550 Kenneth Stone: And I one thing if it comes up in the news. So some of the staff asked and I sent an email out to all staff on this subject is that they were they the coverage in the press indicated the county was looking 129 00:15:50.550 --> 00:15:51.360 K Berens Bucki: At layoffs. 130 00:15:51.750 --> 00:16:06.930 Kenneth Stone: And it was not general specific enough to see if library was impacted. It is not because the library Protection Act, the counties and and and the State law, the county doesn't control our hiring, firing you do 131 00:16:08.160 --> 00:16:13.530 Kenneth Stone: And again, because of the library tax already being collected for this year. 132 00:16:14.700 --> 00:16:26.070 Kenneth Stone: That one that's not part of the process and layoffs for the county. They don't want to pull the trigger on layoffs, either they spent a number of a number of minutes. 133 00:16:26.580 --> 00:16:36.570 Kenneth Stone: Discussing that today and in the past, they don't want to do layoffs and that's why they're kind of holding off to see what the federal packaging is and to 134 00:16:37.710 --> 00:16:46.560 Kenneth Stone: Really work our federal officials are low, are our current delegation is very much on board. It's kind of like preaching to the choir. 135 00:16:47.310 --> 00:16:58.620 Kenneth Stone: But they're sticking in there. And we've updated our letter template and send it out to all staff. So if they wanted to express their opinion they could. And really, that's what it's going to be 136 00:17:00.060 --> 00:17:07.590 Kenneth Stone: And until we have that decision. You know, I wouldn't even want to put up any kind of detailed plans because all it's going to do is, is 137 00:17:08.730 --> 00:17:20.190 Kenneth Stone: Get a lot of a lot of folks unnecessarily anxious and worried when hopefully this program will this problem will be mitigated to a great deal. 138 00:17:22.290 --> 00:17:28.560 E Panty: Yeah, you know, catch up in that regard, I think, a while back, there was a when they mentioned about college 139 00:17:29.100 --> 00:17:30.870 K Berens Bucki: There was an article in the news if I'm not 140 00:17:30.870 --> 00:17:33.270 E Panty: Mistaken said the it really wouldn't affect 141 00:17:34.590 --> 00:17:43.680 E Panty: Some of the places the because so many of the people in not only the library, but in the in the county system as well. 142 00:17:44.700 --> 00:17:56.070 E Panty: Are there their staffing their staffing figures are actually there the amounts of their staffing is is covered in the budget that they have now. 143 00:17:56.670 --> 00:17:58.890 Kenneth Stone: What they're referencing Elaine was the 144 00:17:58.890 --> 00:17:59.670 Kenneth Stone: Fact that 145 00:18:00.810 --> 00:18:15.690 Kenneth Stone: In the middle of the year. This and this late in the year when they might be doing cuts, if they were to lay off full time employees that won't save any money materially because if you were to do a layoff. You'd have to do any payoffs Nick rules and all that. 146 00:18:16.110 --> 00:18:16.890 S Berlow: Fun stuff. 147 00:18:17.310 --> 00:18:19.500 Kenneth Stone: And play that pay the self insured. 148 00:18:19.560 --> 00:18:20.940 Kenneth Stone: Unemployment insurance. 149 00:18:21.390 --> 00:18:25.290 Kenneth Stone: Which between those things there wouldn't be a lot of savings this year. 150 00:18:25.860 --> 00:18:40.350 Kenneth Stone: For full time. That's not the case for part time and as much because you don't have the health insurance. The biggest single expense for a full time or regular part time employee on terms of benefits for most, most people is the health insurance. 151 00:18:41.490 --> 00:18:49.470 E Panty: Right, yeah. Yeah, what you said about it. The article your stance executives when I read that they wouldn't be saving anything because of all the 152 00:18:50.700 --> 00:18:52.770 E Panty: Things that would fall into place and they were laid off. 153 00:18:52.860 --> 00:18:54.450 E Panty: So next, next year, it's a different 154 00:18:54.450 --> 00:18:56.010 Kenneth Stone: Story, because right 155 00:18:56.400 --> 00:18:56.880 Kenneth Stone: You 156 00:18:56.910 --> 00:18:57.570 E Panty: You take the 157 00:18:57.600 --> 00:18:58.770 Kenneth Stone: When you take the hit you. 158 00:18:58.830 --> 00:19:01.890 Kenneth Stone: Do the payouts and going forward. You've got savings. 159 00:19:02.910 --> 00:19:13.620 Kenneth Stone: But I think the main that's one reason why for results people saying, shouldn't you pull the trigger sooner rather than later, even before you know what it's going to be 160 00:19:13.980 --> 00:19:20.670 Kenneth Stone: And part of the response was, it doesn't make sense to do that because A, you're not going to save anything. And then if the 161 00:19:20.730 --> 00:19:22.170 Kenneth Stone: Comes through then you're having to 162 00:19:22.320 --> 00:19:27.930 Kenneth Stone: Hire people back and and deal with the morale and all those issues involved. 163 00:19:27.960 --> 00:19:28.860 S Berlow: When you have to 164 00:19:28.890 --> 00:19:34.950 Kenneth Stone: Do a layoff. You really don't want to do that until it's absolutely necessary, there aren't other alternatives. 165 00:19:37.920 --> 00:19:40.170 E Panty: Well, let's just hope we can get through this. 166 00:19:41.220 --> 00:19:44.400 E Panty: Yeah, it's gonna be tough, though. Yep. 167 00:19:46.890 --> 00:19:47.580 Kenneth Stone: That's all I got. 168 00:19:49.980 --> 00:19:51.480 E Panty: Sorry, I didn't quite enough. And thank you. 169 00:19:51.480 --> 00:19:58.440 E Panty: For all the work, because I know that you've been burning the midnight oil trying to make sense of all this to see how we can stay afloat. 170 00:20:00.060 --> 00:20:03.390 Kenneth Stone: Well, at least I have fresher coffee right now. So there you go. 171 00:20:07.080 --> 00:20:07.380 E Panty: God 172 00:20:10.230 --> 00:20:18.570 K Berens Bucki: So I know a lots been going on as of late, the Mary Jean can update us on this week and I'm sure there will be more next week, but 173 00:20:18.990 --> 00:20:25.560 Zoom Administration: There is a lot going on. And I want to bring you up to date and a couple of things. First and foremost, 174 00:20:25.590 --> 00:20:35.430 Zoom Administration: Kate. I know that you are aware of this, I would like to share with the executive committee that Maria, Maria has announced her retirement. 175 00:20:37.800 --> 00:20:38.280 Zoom Administration: Yeah. 176 00:20:38.400 --> 00:20:39.480 E Panty: Oh my god. 177 00:20:40.440 --> 00:20:46.200 Zoom Administration: He's talked about it for a long time, and she's, she's made a decision. She's going to retire. 178 00:20:46.710 --> 00:21:05.100 Zoom Administration: And so I have been certainly she is not replaceable. In my opinion, but most definitely we are looking to bring in someone else into the office and so I've been spending some time on top of everything else I'm conducting interviews for this petition and 179 00:21:05.760 --> 00:21:06.180 Zoom Administration: I have 180 00:21:06.450 --> 00:21:14.010 Zoom Administration: You know, it's a pretty good pool of candidates and I have a lot of decisions to make. I'm including some potentially some 181 00:21:14.010 --> 00:21:17.820 Zoom Administration: modifications of the duties and responsibilities from that office so 182 00:21:18.120 --> 00:21:31.050 Zoom Administration: I will keep you apprised. I will definitely make this announcement again next week she will be with us through August 1 and so we're hoping to bring somebody on 183 00:21:31.950 --> 00:21:40.530 Zoom Administration: A little bit of process training. There's so many details on from that office. So we're working hard to I'm working hard to make that happen. So 184 00:21:41.370 --> 00:21:53.790 Zoom Administration: We will be I will keep you abreast of things. And I'm also looking to and I hope the board will entertain a resolution of appreciation for all the cheese on the library through her tenure. 185 00:21:54.570 --> 00:21:56.610 F Housh: This is Frank. I'm sorry to interrupt. 186 00:21:58.140 --> 00:21:59.910 F Housh: No I veto that she can 187 00:22:03.360 --> 00:22:04.410 I tried 188 00:22:06.360 --> 00:22:06.630 Zoom Administration: That 189 00:22:07.440 --> 00:22:09.780 F Housh: I have I have spoken, you 190 00:22:10.920 --> 00:22:11.970 Zoom Administration: Will make note of that. 191 00:22:13.980 --> 00:22:16.980 Zoom Administration: But I am asking for consideration from the board to 192 00:22:16.980 --> 00:22:22.110 Zoom Administration: Provide a resolution of appreciation and we would add in July. 193 00:22:23.130 --> 00:22:24.690 K Berens Bucki: Right. Prior to her. 194 00:22:25.200 --> 00:22:26.820 Zoom Administration: Her last yeah 195 00:22:27.150 --> 00:22:29.490 K Berens Bucki: Definitely. We will do that right so 196 00:22:29.520 --> 00:22:32.040 Zoom Administration: We'll start putting something together and we certainly 197 00:22:32.040 --> 00:22:42.330 Zoom Administration: Share that with them and we are beyond that in most certainly the libraries I the Central Library and the buffalo branch libraries. 198 00:22:43.020 --> 00:22:43.770 Zoom Administration: Are in 199 00:22:44.010 --> 00:22:45.450 Zoom Administration: Stage two. 200 00:22:45.570 --> 00:22:46.980 Zoom Administration: currently have. 201 00:22:47.010 --> 00:22:48.150 Our reopening 202 00:22:49.530 --> 00:22:50.430 Zoom Administration: Last week, 203 00:22:50.490 --> 00:22:53.250 Zoom Administration: We ran walk up services. 204 00:22:53.280 --> 00:22:55.770 Zoom Administration: At our crane branch library and at the 205 00:22:55.770 --> 00:22:56.820 Zoom Administration: Central Library 206 00:22:57.060 --> 00:22:57.330 S Berlow: We had 207 00:22:57.450 --> 00:23:11.130 Zoom Administration: Come side service at our Merryweather branch library and this Monday proudly all eight of our buffalo city branches and the Central Library opened for public service. 208 00:23:12.120 --> 00:23:24.840 Zoom Administration: We are open under some reduced hours. That is because of the 50% on site workforce reduction amongst a multitude of other reasons, social gathering 209 00:23:25.170 --> 00:23:27.000 Zoom Administration: Other restrictions that are 210 00:23:27.030 --> 00:23:35.820 Zoom Administration: That are in place, but we have had people in the library, our friends are absolutely thrilled to be back. 211 00:23:36.450 --> 00:23:36.990 Zoom Administration: It's been 212 00:23:37.020 --> 00:23:37.890 S Berlow: A very 213 00:23:38.190 --> 00:23:49.110 Zoom Administration: Good experience with much cooperation from the patrons, we require masks throughout the building. Everyone has to wear a mask. 214 00:23:49.380 --> 00:23:50.280 S Berlow: We have put up 215 00:23:51.000 --> 00:24:02.460 Zoom Administration: Additional cashier style protect shields at our service desks. We had hand sanitizer and tissues throughout the building and we have all kinds of 216 00:24:02.610 --> 00:24:04.260 Zoom Administration: Training protocols currently 217 00:24:04.260 --> 00:24:05.070 Zoom Administration: In place so 218 00:24:05.370 --> 00:24:27.270 Zoom Administration: Things are going well. It's a little bit slow on the uptake, but you know it's it's a new world and a new normal right now for every aspect of community. So we certainly see this as growing. Now, I can tell you, also because things are rapidly change in the world of covert 19 219 00:24:28.500 --> 00:24:45.210 Zoom Administration: That we have under it and we now understand that effective on June 16th, the executive order of a 50% workforce reduction is being eliminated for a local government. 220 00:24:45.720 --> 00:24:54.060 Zoom Administration: Now local governments do include the majority of our public fiber of our libraries, because we are municipal organizations. 221 00:24:54.450 --> 00:25:08.640 Zoom Administration: Not include our association libraries. Those are the light that's a library and in Boston and Aldean and in mirella and so they have a whole nother series of rules and regulations that we are finding 222 00:25:08.970 --> 00:25:09.780 Zoom Administration: Guidance on 223 00:25:10.440 --> 00:25:19.740 Zoom Administration: Given this change, looking at now also that the county is expected to go into what is called Phase three of New York forward. 224 00:25:21.120 --> 00:25:23.910 Zoom Administration: I'm making a recommendation that we modify 225 00:25:23.940 --> 00:25:44.460 Zoom Administration: Our stage three of our reopening plan. And in doing that, we will increase. Some of the open hours in our buffalo branches. We will be returning to onsite work. The majority of our full time regular part time and other 226 00:25:44.670 --> 00:25:46.020 Zoom Administration: Benefited part time 227 00:25:46.050 --> 00:25:49.410 Zoom Administration: Employees and we will be 228 00:25:49.680 --> 00:25:52.770 Zoom Administration: Continuing with modified services that is 229 00:25:52.770 --> 00:26:04.050 Zoom Administration: Because other restrictions do remain in place, including social gathering or the limitation in the number of gathering. So, we will not be holding on site programs. 230 00:26:04.140 --> 00:26:06.150 Zoom Administration: Or virtual programs will continue. 231 00:26:06.570 --> 00:26:08.790 Zoom Administration: And our meeting rooms will remain close 232 00:26:09.180 --> 00:26:10.800 Zoom Administration: Um, so I will prepare that 233 00:26:10.800 --> 00:26:18.270 Zoom Administration: Document and send that out to the entire board. Those are the modifications in our stage three. 234 00:26:19.140 --> 00:26:20.610 Zoom Administration: All of which could change. 235 00:26:20.880 --> 00:26:28.470 Zoom Administration: Tomorrow, if any of these rules and regulations change, but in but in all reality. I think it is very 236 00:26:29.640 --> 00:26:32.490 Zoom Administration: Responsible for us to have a 237 00:26:33.240 --> 00:26:34.830 S Berlow: Slow and steady. 238 00:26:34.860 --> 00:26:47.700 Zoom Administration: Increase back to our full services under the guise of all of these rules and regulations that are out there. I think our staff appreciates that and our public equally appreciates that 239 00:26:49.050 --> 00:27:01.320 Zoom Administration: Further, just some good news. I can tell you that, as of today 13 libraries and throughout the system are open for business into their doors are open and people can come in. 240 00:27:01.800 --> 00:27:14.640 Zoom Administration: One to two libraries. I will say that out of the 12 or 13. Excuse me. I am so proud that, you know, nine of those are here in the city, all of the ones that we have the direct oversight on 241 00:27:15.780 --> 00:27:19.290 Zoom Administration: And there are 22 libraries in total that are offering 242 00:27:19.560 --> 00:27:20.880 Zoom Administration: A curbside or Walker. 243 00:27:20.940 --> 00:27:21.660 S Berlow: Services. 244 00:27:21.900 --> 00:27:23.400 Zoom Administration: To services are most 245 00:27:23.430 --> 00:27:31.470 Zoom Administration: Definitely, you know, coming available. We know that that is changing. We know more libraries are scheduled to open 246 00:27:32.070 --> 00:27:47.520 Zoom Administration: This next week and and additional libraries will open the following week as well. So I'll keep you apprised of all the fat and I'm going to call that my report for today. You're also generous to listen. 247 00:27:51.360 --> 00:27:51.960 Zoom Administration: Mary Jane. 248 00:27:52.560 --> 00:28:00.810 E Panty: You mean it June, June the 16th. Did you say that June the 16th is when when phase three or stage three is going to go into effect for us for the libraries are 249 00:28:02.970 --> 00:28:04.350 E Panty: There certain things. 250 00:28:04.440 --> 00:28:08.040 Zoom Administration: And it's very confusing and I can appreciate this phase. 251 00:28:08.340 --> 00:28:26.070 Zoom Administration: Three is associated. Now again, this is Phase three is associated with New York forward and Yuri County and Phase three is subsequently. There are other businesses and such that are allowed to open and some of the restrictions begin to be lifted our stage. 252 00:28:26.130 --> 00:28:37.500 Zoom Administration: Three so somewhat corresponds with phase three, but our stage three right now. We had things like bringing back 75% of staff we had 253 00:28:38.100 --> 00:28:48.690 Zoom Administration: reinstating meeting room us there are particular guidelines that remain out there from executive order that prevent us 254 00:28:49.290 --> 00:29:06.510 Zoom Administration: From moving fully into our stage three. So my recommendation is that we modify our stage three, and most certainly the June 16 date is the start of that because some restrictions like that 50% workforce. 255 00:29:06.840 --> 00:29:08.010 Zoom Administration: On site workforce. 256 00:29:08.040 --> 00:29:11.010 Zoom Administration: Is changing on that date. And so we will be 257 00:29:11.010 --> 00:29:11.820 S Berlow: Preparing 258 00:29:12.030 --> 00:29:13.080 Zoom Administration: To move forward. 259 00:29:22.050 --> 00:29:39.930 Zoom Administration: So that's my report. Thank you very much. I know. The next thing up is the association of contracting library trustees. I did not have a report, I met for you today. They do have a board meeting on Monday, and I will certainly will report them to you at the board meeting. 260 00:29:42.180 --> 00:29:44.280 K Berens Bucki: Okay, thank you so much. You're welcome. 261 00:29:45.900 --> 00:29:48.450 K Berens Bucki: So is there any public comment. 262 00:29:51.870 --> 00:29:53.550 Zoom Administration: There doesn't appear to be anybody from 263 00:29:54.690 --> 00:29:55.380 Zoom Administration: The meeting. 264 00:29:56.550 --> 00:29:56.940 K Berens Bucki: Okay. 265 00:29:59.970 --> 00:30:01.770 K Berens Bucki: I don't think there's any yeah 266 00:30:03.480 --> 00:30:05.250 K Berens Bucki: Anything else for today. So 267 00:30:05.820 --> 00:30:07.170 Is there a motion to adjourn. 268 00:30:08.580 --> 00:30:09.180 S Berlow: Sure. 269 00:30:10.680 --> 00:30:12.210 K Berens Bucki: Okay so motion from 270 00:30:12.570 --> 00:30:13.590 E Panty: The line I'm second 271 00:30:14.310 --> 00:30:16.500 K Berens Bucki: Okay, second from Elaine, I'm all in favor 272 00:30:21.390 --> 00:30:22.620 Kimberly Johnson: Any, any opposed. 273 00:30:23.850 --> 00:30:26.760 K Berens Bucki: Okay. The meeting is adjourned. Thank you, everybody. Thank you so much. 274 00:30:28.440 --> 00:30:29.640 E Panty: See you next week. 275 00:30:32.280 --> 00:30:34.350 E Panty: See you on the shoulder. See you on the phone.