The "What If...?" Society Virtual Book Group

The Central Library had just gotten our new adult speculative fiction book group up and running when we needed to suspend our in-person programming.
So, we are adapting with the times and taking The “What if…” Society online! To ensure everyone has access to the reading material, we are putting aside our novels for now and moving to short stories.
Book Group Information
The “What if…” Society
- Saturday, May 16, 11:00 am to noon
- Online via Zoom
Email your host, Adult and Teen Services Librarian, Maria @ to obtain the meeting information or for more information. We hope you will join us!
Reading Material
So! On with our selections for this month’s book group. All of these stories look at limitations imposed on people by society and explore the ways in which those affected fight back on these unfair perceptions and restrictions.
"Sidewalks" By Maureen McHugh
"Skinned" by Lesley Nneka Arimah
"The Future is Blue" By Cathrynne Valente
If you would prefer, you can listen to “The Future is Blue” through Clarkesworld’s podcast.
"The Heat of Us: Notes Toward an Oral History" By Sam Miller
You can listen to Uncanny Magazine’s podcast episode that includes Miller’s story.