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Telling the Story Educator Kits & Programs for Grades 4 - 6 and 7 - 12

Telling the Story Programs for Grades 4 – 6
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Growing Up as an Enslaved Child
This program is designed to introduce students in Grades 4-6 to how enslaved children lived during the pre-Civil War and Civil War periods in United States history.

The Underground Railroad in New York State
This program is designed to introduce students in Grades 4-6 to the Underground Railroad and one of its most influential and brave conductors, Harriet Tubman.

Telling the Story Programs for Grades 7 – 12
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Enslavement and the U.S. Constitution
This program uses a timeline starting with the year 1619 that presents striking facts and dates related to slavery. The timeline aims to help students visualize underrepresented facts about the history and legacy of slavery.  Students will examine excerpts  from the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Fugitive Slave Act and the 13th Amendment, in connection to the timeline and think about  how these documents directly and indirectly supported the institution of slavery. The program is designed to help students in grades 7-12  think about the ways in which their own education, and understanding of the institution of slavery, is impacted by the perspective of the storyteller.

Everyday Resistance to Enslavement
This program is designed to guide students in grades 7-12 through an exploration of primary sources and video segments to examine and discuss the variety of ways enslaved people resisted slavery in their daily lives. 

Telling the Story Kits for Grades 4 – 6

Growing Up as an Enslaved Child
This program is designed to introduce students in Grades 4-6 to how enslaved children lived during the pre-Civil War and Civil War periods in United States history.

The Underground Railroad in New York State
This program is designed to introduce students in Grades 4-6 to the Underground Railroad and one of its most influential and brave conductors, Harriet Tubman.


Telling the Story Kits for Grades 7 – 12

Civil War and Emancipation
This kit is designed for teachers to guide students in grades 7-12 through an analysis of primary and secondary sources on the Civil War and emancipation. The focus is on Buffalo history, African American soldiers in the Civil War, and political gains for African Americans.

Kits may be requested for checkout by calling 858-7192.

Please provide the following information when calling:

• Your name and title

• School name

• Phone number and e-mail

• Name of the kit you would like to request

• The date you would like to pick up the kit

• The library at which you would like to pick up the kit

You will receive a confirmation phone call or email within three business days regarding the availability of the kit.

Kits are reserved on a first-come first-serve basis.